Modular School Buildings Can Fulfill The Need For Vital School Infrastructure

The last decade has seen the proliferation and increase in the number of private schools in many countries. Besides pure academic schools, there have been other schools in the religion, moral and social domains that have also come up and one thing common among all of them is their need for right infrastructure. This increase has been in the region of between 15-20% in most countries.

In addition, the existing schools also have to put up with influx of fresh students who are keen on acquiring education and that is causing a lot of crowding within each classroom. On an average, the growth in the number of students joining private schools has gone up by about 20%.

Considering that many educational institutions want to put into practice directives from the governments of respective countries about reducing the number of students in each class so that adequate attention can be provided to them by the teachers and management of the students is also not a hassle for the teachers, the only option is to increase capacity in the form of creating more number of classrooms through the erection of modular school buildings. This will help existing schools which are experiencing shortage of space to meet the new stipulations head on without compromising on the quality of the education provided.

Now before you start thinking that these modular school buildings are similar to those rather make shift and ugly looking structures that were commonly erected in the late 70s and early 80s, you will be happy to know that the buildings of today are on par with conventional structures, both in terms of functionality as well as in terms of aesthetics. They are designed incorporating the latest technology to ensure that students, teachers are comfortable and there are also energy savings.

The singular most advantage with such structures is the ease and speed with which they can be fabricated and installed at the places where they are required. They are generally created at a site that is far away from the schools thus allowing them to function normally and without any disruption. The modules that are fabricated are then brought during the time the schools have a holiday. The entire cycle from the designing to the actual erection would usually take a maximum of 3 months and that is really convenient and practical when one considers that conventional structures would take a minimum of a year to set up.

Another advantage with them is that they can be suitably modified to suit the ever changing requirements of schools. They can even be sold if found to be of no further use at some point in the future. Considering all the above advantages, it is therefore clear that modular school buildings can be of great help in not only providing much needed space for schools to take in more students deserving education but also provide the right environment as well as comfort for both teachers and students.


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