Commercial Construction - Why We Build in South Florida the Way We Do
Anyone who comes from another area of the country is usually puzzled by the way we build in South Florida. Most commercial buildings in the north of the country are steel structures and use as little concrete as possible. South Florida, on the other hand, tries to minimize the use of steel and uses concrete much of the time. Why do this? Concrete is a wonderful material. It is also a very forgiving material. What I mean by this is that once it is poured all the connections are solid. For example, there are no joints between beams and columns which could come apart during a hurricane. Unlike a steel system, which must have perfect connections between beams, floor decking, and columns in order to survive a hurricane, concrete, once it hardens, is very difficult to take apart, if the steel reinforcing was designed correctly. In addition, concrete is a natural fire-retardant. While steel joist systems must be fire protected, concrete joists are naturally fire-proofed. In precast systems su...