
Use Your Commercial Building as a Rain Water Collection System

It is amazing how much water is wasted and never retained by municipalities or County governments during large rainfalls. There are often storms which dump 2 to 3 inches of rain in a region and what people don't understand is that a large parking lot at Walmart could collect well over 1.5 million gallons of water during a storm that size. And that's just the parking lot. Obviously parking lots have dirty water, but parking lots could employ strategies of having vegetation and retention basins which allow the rain runoff to percolate into the groundwater - indeed some do. Now then, let's discuss the amount of water that could be collected from the roof. A storm the size of 2 to 3 inches will put well over 75,000 gallons of water on top of a Walmart retail store. That's a lot of water, and it should not be wasted. That amount of water is enough to water all the shrubbery, and grassy areas of a major shopping center, thus, it ought to be collected. Of course there is a rig...

Commercial Construction - Why We Build in South Florida the Way We Do

Anyone who comes from another area of the country is usually puzzled by the way we build in South Florida. Most commercial buildings in the north of the country are steel structures and use as little concrete as possible. South Florida, on the other hand, tries to minimize the use of steel and uses concrete much of the time. Why do this? Concrete is a wonderful material. It is also a very forgiving material. What I mean by this is that once it is poured all the connections are solid. For example, there are no joints between beams and columns which could come apart during a hurricane. Unlike a steel system, which must have perfect connections between beams, floor decking, and columns in order to survive a hurricane, concrete, once it hardens, is very difficult to take apart, if the steel reinforcing was designed correctly. In addition, concrete is a natural fire-retardant. While steel joist systems must be fire protected, concrete joists are naturally fire-proofed. In precast systems su...

Modular School Buildings Can Fulfill The Need For Vital School Infrastructure

The last decade has seen the proliferation and increase in the number of private schools in many countries. Besides pure academic schools, there have been other schools in the religion, moral and social domains that have also come up and one thing common among all of them is their need for right infrastructure. This increase has been in the region of between 15-20% in most countries. In addition, the existing schools also have to put up with influx of fresh students who are keen on acquiring education and that is causing a lot of crowding within each classroom. On an average, the growth in the number of students joining private schools has gone up by about 20%. Considering that many educational institutions want to put into practice directives from the governments of respective countries about reducing the number of students in each class so that adequate attention can be provided to them by the teachers and management of the students is also not a hassle for the teachers, the only opt...

Different Applications For Commercial Decorative Floors

Commercial Decorative Floors Many businesses are now converting practical office space from carpet to concrete. Decorative concrete is a process of turning dull grey carpet into more vibrant, attractive floor. When treated properly, concrete has many more benefits than carpet in high traffic areas. There are many different styles and techniques that can be achieved when converting boring concrete to a more appealing floor. Carpet may seem like a logical choice when choosing a floor for a business. Although carpet does cut down on noise, it's practicality for high traffic areas are just not up to par. Carpet retains a lot of dust and dirt, making it difficult to keep clean. Carpet must also be replaced every few years due to wear and tear. By ripping out the carpet and cleaning the concrete underneath it, the floor can become more useful for high traffic areas. The concrete itself will usually need to be cleaned and prepped for the application of decorative concrete. There are many ...

Mobile Classrooms Present Many Advantages Pertinent To Education

One of the key responsibilities of any government in a country is to ensure that education is provided and is accessible to its citizens. This is a fundamental right and there can be no excuses for denying this privilege. After all, the making of a healthy nation and its continued prosperity hinges so much on acquisition of knowledge at the right time and age. It is therefore strange and incomprehensible that there can be a situation where some children are not able to study even though they want to just because there is no infrastructure available to house them. However, this does happen despite the best efforts of the government and educational institutions and there is an urgent need to create infrastructure in the form of mobile classrooms for the reasons are as under: 1) The number of students enrolling is often very high with the result existing classrooms cannot accommodate them. This has in the past led to situations where teachers are able to control students. Moreover, they a...

The Benefits Of Installing Industrial Skylight In Your Commercial Building

Due to the increasing knowledge of man, he learns to discover new things. These new discoveries and inventions have been, in many ways, become the solution to many arising problems such as the problem on increasing rates of electric power consumption. The industrial skylight is one of the newly discovered solutions to save consumers from the high rates of electric bills. But before hand, what is industrial skylight? To clearly understand, an industrial or commercial skylight is a lighting installation that brings natural or solar light through the roof of an industrial building into its interior. These skylights are very useful in dim areas or those areas that are not well-lighted like the hallways and garage, and also best for office work spaces during day time. Owners of industrial buildings or commercial establishments need not to worry about installing many posts for lightings that consume big electric powers along the hallways or pavements to light the area. This is because indust...

Helpful Terms for Understanding Commercial Real Estate

Joint Venture - A joint venture is an agreement between two parties/businesses to develop property. In terms of commercial real estate, these two parties work hand-in-hand to develop commercial property. Often times in these relationships, you'll see land owners and actual developers working together. These types of agreements are handled by legal professionals to ensure all parties are aware of their involvement in the project. Tenant Representation - This involves representing commercial tenants, such as a smoothie shop, cell phone store, or salon in a retail plaza. The stores aforementioned are tenants who lease space within the property, which is owned by the landlord. Often times developers are brought on to develop these retail/shopping plaza properties. Disposition - The sale of property, including commercial, residential, and industrial. This is typically handled by an agent or broker. Acquisition - The purchase of property, including commercial, residential, and industrial...